5 Dynamic Pre-Run Movements

Prime Your Body For A Run With These 5 Dynamic Movements

Even if running is life, sometimes it’s hard to get in the groove for cardio. One of the reasons for this sluggish feeling is a lack of blood flow to major muscle groups due to the inactivity of your day. This post includes 5 dynamic movements that will promote blood flow, functionality, mobility, and flexibility to muscles and joints that are important for your next run.

Hinge and Reach Back
At a controlled speed make sure to maintain a neutral spine as you perform the hinge movement. Also, only go as far forward as you feel comfortable with the flexibility of your hamstrings. Utilize your glute muscles by squeezing (not clenching) as you stand and reach back.

Overhead Squat
It is important to engage your lats and core muscles to hold your arms overhead as you squat. Remember to keep weight on your heels and start the movement with hips back and down, before you bend your knees. Use a bench to modify with a get up version if needed.

Curtsy Pulls
Target your quads and abductor muscles by crossing the mid-line behind you. While executing the curtsy movement your arms will start overhead and pull down similar to a lat pull; engaging the muscles of your back. Tip: Use a resistance band to help engage your back muscles during this exercise.

Spider-man Plank with Reach
This dynamic movement will stretch your adductor muscles as well as engage the mobility of your trunk as you turn to reach at the end of the movement. Trunk rotation is often overlooked but very important for overall functionality of your body. Elevate with a bench or yoga block if needed to increase the range of your trunk rotation.

Mt. Climbers
Finish with Mt. Climbers as a power exercise that incorporates a knee drive that will be important as you start your run. Mt. Climbers also require active ankles and a strong drive off the ground similar to your foot strike when running.

Put It All Together
Before you begin your run start with a 3 minute jog. Then perform one set of the 5 exercises with about 8-12 reps each. A body in motion stays in motion so get moving today!

So even if the buzzer rudely awakens you from sugar plumbs dancing through your head, please refrain from throwing it off a cliff. Start where you stand…and keep on stepping!

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Sole Shaping Blog is written by a nationally certified personal trainer, however, the topics and information given might not be specific for your health and wellness needs. The blog is intended for informational purposes only and not direct health advice. Consult with a doctor before beginning an exercise program or changing your nutritional diet. The blog is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge, but omissions, errors or mistakes may occur.

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