3 Reasons To Do Cardio Early

Early Bird Get's the Workout

It’s 3:00 am, my dreaded alarm is buzzing like crazy, and all I want to do is hurl it across the room. Of course, I don’t because it would not be cost effective and honestly it would take more effort than I’m willing to muster this early. I do, however, reluctantly turn the alarm off (maybe after one snooze session) and get up to start my day with cardio; and the reasons why outweigh the 10 more minutes another snooze session would bring.

The Early Bird Stays Consistent
One of the most important factors to achieve goals is consistency. If you have a set time for your workout early in the morning the less likely life’s distractions will get in your way. Staying late at the office, traffic jams, or other daily distractions that can hinder your afternoon workout. So get up early and get your workout done before the daily grind wears you down.

Jumpstart Your Metabolism
Burning calories in the AM jumpstarts the metabolic process of using calories and oxygen to spark activity throughout your body. When you start this process with exercise early you will repay the bank you loaned calories from to workout throughout your day, even at rest!

Self-Discipline Becomes The Norm
Cleaning your room when your mom tells you is one thing, but out in the real world when you have to discipline yourself on fitness, food, and free time it can be a difficult feat for most. Sleeping in is something coveted as a weekend pleasure, thus making getting up early hard and sometimes down right unbearable to do. If you can make the commitment to wake-up early to get your cardio in, then maybe you can translate that self-discipline to other parts of your life.

So even if the buzzer rudely awakens you from sugar plumbs dancing through your head, please refrain from throwing it off a cliff. Start where you stand…and keep on stepping!

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Tuesday Tip: Whatever fitness activity you enjoy doing make sure you have proper footwear and sole inserts for support if needed.
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Sole Shaping Blog is written by a nationally certified personal trainer, however, the topics and information given might not be specific for your health and wellness needs. The blog is intended for informational purposes only and not direct health advice. Consult with a doctor before beginning an exercise program or changing your nutritional diet. The blog is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge, but omissions, errors or mistakes may occur.

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